What causes ill health and disease?
In order to begin to work towards optimal health we first need to understand there are 4 main factors which cause ill-health, chronic disease and premature aging: 1. toxin over-load (mostly from the food we are eating, but also from our environment) 2. stress 3. infection 4. malnutrition The human population is rapidly becoming more diseased! The main reason? The food we are eating is making us sick! We will not get better until we change the way we are eating. Only when we are eating real foods the right way is the sickness paradigm we are living in going to reverse. Our immune systems will become strong again so we can fight off infection, reverse disease processes and be well. |
How do we heal?
We have to find the root cause(s), remove it/them if we can and then gently help the body get back in touch with it's amazing ability to heal itself! Generally I get people to work towards a natural diet based on vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds, good sources of animal proteins and high quality fats - the diet of ancient man, who could only choose to eat what nature provided. Hopefully my clients quickly become so satisfied and feel so much better eating only real food in the right way they are delighted to have easily given up all the manufactured and refined foods and sugar I ask them to eliminate! I do not professionally recommend vegetarian or vegan diets as a rule but do have clients who are following those principles and happily work with them. Medicines I use are a mix of the highest quality diet, herbs, nutrients and homotoxicology. |
When necessary I recommend allergy and intolerance testing or, if a client would prefer I guide them through an elimination and re-challenge diet protocol to identify foods they may be intolerant or allergic to. Other testing which I may recommend, and which are mostly sent to labs in the USA, include: